TGBOX: encrypted cloud storage based on Telegram

TGBOX: encrypted cloud storage based on Telegram#


The Telegram is beautiful app. Not only by mean of features and Client API, but it’s also good in cryptography and secure messaging. In the last years, core and client devs of Telegram mostly work for “social-network features”, i.e video chats and message reactions which is OK, but there also can be plenty of “crypto-related” things.


This [unofficial] library targets to be a PoC of encrypted file storage inside the Telegram, but can be used as standalone API.


We name “encrypted cloud storage” as Box and the API to it as Tgbox. There is two of boxes: the RemoteBox and the LocalBox. They define a basic primitives. You can share your Box and separate Files with other people absolutely secure - only You and someone you want will have decryption key, even through insecure communication canals (e2e). You can make unlimited amount of Boxes, Upload & Download speed is faster than in official Telegram clients and maximum filesize is around 2GB and around 4GB for Premium users.

Indices and tables#